Agil Recon Portal – Agil Commerce

Agil Bank Reconciliation Portal

Agil Recon Portal2024-03-09T06:17:38+00:00

Agil Bank Reconciliation Portal

“Agil Portal” is a solution built on Oracle APEX to automate the reconciliation of individual Credit Card Receipts and Refunds with the lump sum credits received in Bank Statements. The solution will extend functionality of Oracle Payment Integrations between payment processor and Oracle through well published APIs.

Automated File Imports into Agil Portal

  • Automatically import the disbursement files from Credit Card processor daily
  • Automatically import the dispute files from Credit Card processor daily
  • Automatically import Credit Card Receipts and Refund from Oracle Receivables to Portal
  • Automatically import PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay Settlement files daily
  • Automatically import bank statement lines relating to Credit Card Settlements

Implementation of a 3-dimensional Payment reconciliation view to displays the following:

  • View A : Credit Card Receipts Reconciliation
  • Count and Value of Receipts in Oracle Receivables
  • Count and Value of Matching Payment Processor Disbursements (Charges)
  • Count and Value of Payment Processor Payouts
  • Count and Value of PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay Payouts
  • Count and Value of AMEX Payouts
  • View B :  BT Disbursements Vs Bank Statements View
  • Disbursement Date, Credit Card Payment Processor Disbursement Amount, Bank Statement Date,
  • Bank Statement Credit Amount, Variance, Status, and In transit Summary for Payment Processor

View C :  PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay Disbursements Vs Bank Statements View

  • Disbursement Date, PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay Disbursement Amount, Bank Statement Date
  • Bank Statement Credit Amount, Variance, Status, and In transit Summary for Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal

Liaison with the payment gateways and service providers for any technical issues related to implementation. User Interface for the portal will be built using Oracle Apex to provide a simple, low code yet functionality rich framework to interact with the data.  Apex will directly connect to an Oracle Database and requires no other middleware component to provide a cost-effective solution.

A standalone Oracle Database Schema will be requested for the purposes of installing Apex and also to carry out ACL setups to connect to various APIs of the payment gateways. The portal will allow the ability to fetch the settlement batches with transactions from various payment gateways and load these into Oracle Tables.

The UI component allows for filtering of settlement batches by gateway, merchant ID, date ranges etc. The portal will allow one or more settlement batches to be reconciled against bank statement lines.

The portal will allow the settlement batch transactions to be reconciled against the receipt. The portal will report the unreconciled receipts at any point in time by Merchant ID and Gateway.